The MacView

Virtual Instrumentation from a Mac perspective

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Location: Pflugerville, TX, United States

Friday, May 19, 2006

Quick Note After Wrapping Up Some LabVIEW Testing

I've just finished up a milestone on the next version of LabVIEW. Each release we polish up the Mac version a little more. It seems Apple is always keeping us busy with their constant changes (68k to PowerPC, Mac Classic to Mac OS X, PowerPC to x86). We still have another hurdle after we pass up the Intel transition. Apple is deprecating several APIs that we use in a lot of our code. We are slowly moving our model to be more compatible with the new APIs, and it looks like Apple is helping us make that transition sooner than we might have otherwise.

The unfortunate thing is that these transitions take time away from our Mac LabVIEW improvements. We will still get a few Mac specific improvements in the next version, just not as many as I would have liked.

On a completely unrelated note, I just looked at the information about visitors to this site, about you. I thought I would share some of the interesting tidbits about people visiting this blog.

57% of the visits have been from the United States.
Almost 8% of the visits have been from France (Bienvenue).
Over 5% of the visits have been from Germany (Willkommen).
Over 4% of the visits have been from the United Kingdom (Hallo).
Over 3% of the visits have been from Canada (How's it going, eh?).

The rest are from (in order): Switzerland, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Australia, India, Sweden, Norway, Austria, New Zealand, Spain, Ireland, Colombia, Finland, Slovenia, Mexico, Denmark, Portugal, Hungary, Taiwan, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Malaysia, Satellite Provider, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Republic of, Europe, Turkey, Georgia, Peru, Hong Kong, Chile, Czech Republic, Thailand, Cyprus and Bulgaria.

The search terms people use to find this site are interesting too.

LabVIEW is in 84% of the searches.
43% contain Mac, Macintosh, MacOS or MacOSX
31% contain Intel, Intel-based, Universal or Macintel.
23% contain Array, Path, Struct, Structs, Structure, Structures, Pointer, Pointers, Pointeur or Cluster.
15% contain 8 or 8.0.
10% contain Carbon or Xcode.

Another interesting tidbit is that it appears that some people are using Google to come back to this site (What was that blog about LabVIEW and the Mac again?) I would suggest that if you are reading this, go ahead and set a bookmark. Its a lot faster to get back here. Also, if you have an RSS aggregator (Safari has one built in) you can bookmark the RSS feed. Then you will know when a new article is posted.

The views expressed on this website/weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.